About NightFall / Wet Dreams

Nightfall is a very common problem among adolescents. It is also known as wet dreams. In this condition, adolescent boys suffer from involuntary ejaculation during sleeping at night or in early hours of the morning. This condition can be very frustrating and embarrassing for any men. Men really don’t understand the reason for it and get annoyed about it. Also, they find it really awkward to discuss it with their parents or peers.

Occurrence of this nocturnal emission depends upon person to person and mostly young adolescents. Some experience this problem just in their adolescent age while others have to live it throughout their lifetime. Since this condition is quite common, there’s nothing you can do about it unless in few cases where it is very frequent spread over a long period of time.

So what all you should do if you are also suffering from nightfall? Explore the tips by famous Sexologist below to limit the frequency of nightfall!

  • If nightfall happens, avoid thinking or getting anxious about it. Fearing about it increases the chances of  happening it more.
  • Don’t feel guilty of it as it is a normal mechanism of body to expel the old semen which was not ejaculated by sexual activity.
  • Doing masturbation once in a while helps in controlling nightfall.
  • Avoid watching porn or erotic chats.
  • Go for urination just before going to bed.
  • Start listening to soothing music as it provides peace of mind.
  • Avoid consuming any liquid at least two hours before hitting your bed for sleep.
  • Read books to make brain relaxed for a sound sleep..

Night fall (Nocturnal ejaculation) is a normal physiological response of the body if the frequency of ejaculations either by masturbation or by intercourse is less

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