Why Circumcision is done?


How it is done?

Circumcision is a surgical process which removes the skin covering the tip of the penis. It is quite common for newborn boys in certain parts of world. In some families, circumcision is considered as a religious ritual. It is matter of family tradition, preventive health care or personal hygiene. For many Jewish, Islamic families and aboriginal tribes in Africa and Australia, circumcision is considered as an important religious and cultural ritual. Even there are some medical reasons for which circumcision is done such as when the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back (retracted) over the glans. In certain parts of Africa, circumcision is performed in older boys or men to reduce the risk of certain sexually transmitted diseases. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) clarifies that benefits of circumcision outweighs the risks. However, the AAP doesn’t recommend the routine circumcision for all newborns. The AAP leaves the decision of getting little babies circumcised completely on their parents and supports the use of anesthetics for babies who undergo the procedure.

Circumcision provides various health benefits, including:

1. Decreased risk of urinary tract infections: Usually the risk of urinary tract infections in men is low but their chances are common in uncircumcised males. Severe infections can result into kidney problems or other problems.

2. Prevention of penile problems: The foreskin of an uncircumcised penis can be difficult or impossible to retract. This can cause inflammation of the foreskin or head of the penis. Also, collection of white deposits under the glans (smegma), over a period can result in secondary infection which shall lead to phimosis.

3. Easier hygiene: Circumcision makes the washing of penis a simpler process, thus a better sexual hygiene.

4. Decreased risk of sexually transmitted diseases: Men who get circumcision process done usually suffer from the lower risk of sexually transmitted infections such as HIV.  Still, safe sexual practices remain essential.

5. Decreased risk of cervical cancer for partners of circumcised males

Circumcision not at all affects the fertility of a person nor does it enhance or decrease the sexual pleasure significantly for men or their female partners.

How circumcision is done?

The circumcision process of newborn babies is done in hospital nursery within 10 days after their birth. For newborn circumcision, your son will lie on his back with his arms and legs restrained. After cleaning the penis and its surrounding area, the anesthesia is injected into the base of the penis or applied to penis in a cream form. A special clamp or plastic ring will be attached to penis and the foreskin will be removed. Afterwards the ointment will be applied on the penis and will be wrapped in loose gauze. The procedure only takes 10 minutes. The procedure for getting circumcision is same for older boys and adults.

After the procedure

Usually, it takes 10 days to heal your penis. In first few days, penis tip might become sore and penis may turn swollen, bruised and red colored. You might notice a yellow crust on the tip of the penis too. You can wash the penis as it starts to heal. Usually there are no problems after the circumcision procedure.